Wednesday, September 3, 2008


WRECKED BOAT TRAILER (08.31.08) Randy was rear-ended while stopping to turn into the convenience store. These are the photos of the boat trailer he was pulling at the time.
The back end of the truck didn't get as much damage because the trailer took most of the impact. I am very glad it was carrying this trailer. I can't help to think how much worst Randy's truck and he would have felt the impact had it not been there.

Can you believe this?

Randy actually had our point and shoot camera with him to take a photo for the blog that I will post later. It was a photo directing the evacution route, an image I felt worth documenting. He didn't think to photograph the other vehicle, but if you look close in the first image in the far left upper corner you can see the other vehicle. It was totaled.

View the next post for more info about this post and how Hurricane Gustav is affecting us. We are leaving to go to B.R. to pick up our kids.


1 comment:

Cristi said...

Wow, sorry that happened. Good thing the boat wasnt on there! Glad he is okay.