Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Okay, I will go ahead and tell you that I won't be posting any images on this post. I just thought that I would ramble a few minutes before figuring out what to do first.

I titled this Recovering because I feel like I am still recovering from the whole hurricane aftermath along with recovering from the summer and well maybe I am still recovering from the last few years of chaos.

Yesterday I took Natalie back to BR. Her mommy and daddy went back over the weekend, but Natalie stayed a day longer to visit with family. I will post a few images of that on her blog later today or tomorrow. I am still so tired from it all and like usual I don't know where to get started.

Baton Rouge and St. Francisville are still not back to normal. Many places still do not have power and many traffic lights still aren't working (which really hampers the traffic flow). It took days to get cold and frozen foods back in our stores around here last week. So I felt sure that they would have a problem getting food in BR. So before I took Natalie back I bought groceries for them to replace the food they lost in their refrigerator from their loss of power. School started back at LSU, but it seems weird that it did because of everything else. But I guess LSU has to try to start to get things back to normal. I have been told that some of the fraternity and sorority houses still do not have lights. That's gotta be strange....going to classes, but no lights in your home!

Wal-mart in Natchez is where I shopped for them. They needed some extra help. There were so many people shopping. I am sure some of them were like me buying things to replace lost items, but there were some like the mom w/ 4 children in front of me w/four carts shopping from St. Francisville. She said they still did not have power and nor grocery stores that were stocked...she said they would open up for a few hours a day operating on generators selling bread but not a lot of the staples like milk and other cold things. It is just amazing me as to how long it is taking for some people's power to be restored. Just when I think I have it bad God so quickly points out to me that I really don't!

I am thankful for A/C and I am thankful for the extra time we had with Natalie and her parents this week. And I am also concerned that Natalie will have to re-adjust to her new "school" and I know she will have to get used to waking up early again. She is not a morning person!

Well, I am going to end this post with a prayer on my heart that she does well this week. It will make everything else a little easier for her parents and it will make me heart adjust to her absence a little better too.

And if you will pray for this for her and pray for me to as I try to recover from the last few weeks (and the last few years) and get things function here again as I develop "new" normal for our home and my business.


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